this morning, the husband brought me cappuccino in bed but after saying "thanks" i went back to sleep and let it go cold. damn anti-histamines. and damn i love my husband.
politically correctness dilemma - real fur bought an at op shop. an animal died for this 60-70 years ago but on one hand, it is from an op shop who will use the money for charity/church work and it is second hand, so it is recycling/reusing. animal cruelty vis-a-vis recycling and helping out the homeless. hmm.
the ones that did not get away. all six dozen of them. twas a very successful fishing trip and that is why we've been eating fish for the last five days.
oh hello there.
my name's petite and this is my 365 project. i am taking a photo each day, every day this year. and maybe next year too. and perhaps the year after that in which case it will become my 366 project because it is a leap year. (i think.)